This trader is on vacation or out of available Monero. Please check back later or look for other offers.

Buy Monero using Other online payment: Payment by Twint with Swiss Franc (CHF)


116.48 CHF


Seen 2 years ago

Payment method:

Trade limits:

50.00 - 999.99 CHF


How much do you wish to buy?

Please note, the actual XMR amount of the trade may slightly differ from the currently shown amount due to price and exchange rate fluctuations.

Network transaction fees associated with settling the trade will be deducted from the trade amount, meaning you'll receive slightly less than the amount shown.

  • Your email needs to be verified to open a trade with this ad
  • You have to make a trade for at least 50.00 CHF with this advertisement.

Terms of trade with Treyztars


Don't open a trade if you cannot send me the funds within 1 ½ hours.

  1. I will provide you with my payment details (telephone number, first- and last name).

  2. You send the money via Twint, put your username in the message for identification.

  3. Once I have verified that I have received the money, I will release the XMR for you.

  4. Enjoy your private cryptocurrency!

  5. ( Leave positive feedback )

I usually respond very fast to trade requests (see typical escrow release time: <30 minutes). Yet, I can't assure you that I am reachable all the time. I will try to process your trade request as soon as possible.

I am available from 08:00 to 23:00 UTC+2.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you buy XMR over Twint, I will automatically gain access to the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your telephone number

I don't have control over the data I receive from your Twint payments. If you don't want me to have this information, please consider using another payment option to buy XMR.


Bitte starte keinen Trade, wenn du das Geld nicht innerhalb 1 ½ Stunden senden kannst.

  1. Ich gebe dir die Zahlungsinformationen (Telefonnummer, Vor- und Nachname).

  2. Du sendest mir das Geld per Twint, als Nachricht fügst du deinen Benutzernamen hinzu.

  3. Sobald ich bestätigen kann, dass ich das Geld erhalten habe, gebe ich die Moneros für dich frei.

  4. Geniesse deine private Kryptowährung!

  5. ( Hinterlasse bitte positives Feedback )

Ich reagiere in der Regel sehr schnell auf Handelsanfragen (siehe typische Escrow-Freigabezeit: <30 Minuten). Dennoch kann ich Ihnen nicht versichern, dass ich jederzeit erreichbar bin. Ich werde versuchen, ihre Handelsanfrage so schnell wie möglich zu bearbeiten.

Ich bin verfügbar von 08:00 bis 23:00 Uhr UTC+2.

WICHTIGE ERINNERUNG: Wenn Sie XMR über Twint kaufen, erhalte ich automatisch die folgenden Informationen:

  • Ihren vollständigen Namen
  • Ihre Telefonnummer

Ich habe keine Kontrolle über die Daten, die ich von Ihren Twint-Zahlungen erhalte. Wenn Sie nicht möchten, dass ich diese Informationen einsehen kann, erwägen Sie bitte, eine andere Zahlungsoption für den Kauf von XMR zu verwenden.

Report this advertisement by opening a ticket
This trade is protected by an arbitration bond


  • Read the ad, and check the terms.
  • Propose a meeting place and contact time, if physical cash is traded.
  • Watch for fraudsters! Check the profile feedback, and take extra caution with recently created accounts.
  • Note that rounding and price fluctuations might change the final Monero amount. The Monero amount is calculated based on the trade currency amount you've entered.

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