-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Timestamp (UTC): 2024-04-02 16:24:09 Latest Monero block hash: 7f6a409970720bfeb221e19b3d873d7b1076def08be15e94e24480be4f41598b LocalMonero / AgoraDesk has, up to this date, received: 8 law enforcement requests for user information, of which 0 were served on us through the proper legal channels and resulted in 0 users' data being turned over NOTE: this section's format will be changed in the next canary update LocalMonero / AgoraDesk has never installed any law enforcement software or equipment anywhere on our network. LocalMonero / AgoraDesk has never provided any law enforcement organization a feed of our users' activities. LocalMonero / AgoraDesk has never modified user data at the request of law enforcement or another third party. LocalMonero / AgoraDesk has never weakened, compromised, or subverted any of its software at the request of law enforcement or another third party. This message will be updated within 120 days. This declaration is provided without any guarantee or warranty. It is not legally binding upon any parties in any form. The signer should never be held legally responsible for any statements made here. The public key to verify this message's signature can be found at: 1. https://localmonero.co/pgp_keys.asc 2. https://agoradesk.com/pgp_keys.asc 3. https://keybase.io/localmonero/pgp_keys.asc?fingerprint=0d0d0a3ff33051ffa5c115773d7c77d56d08aed3 Key fingerprint: 0D0D 0A3F F330 51FF A5C1 1577 3D7C 77D5 6D08 AED3 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQGzBAEBCgAdFiEEDQ0KP/MwUf+lwRV3PXx31W0IrtMFAmYMMmsACgkQPXx31W0I rtOmigv+PdDzuxr4eMuIH8e/z+E1x4ho1t09OCIi0GjdEmsUcq89zAZP+CXq4Fjm EbD0+Ohwnh2VXRZKpWd8lzDPiSxMJc+z2Q6Dln63ft4lDtToo9epPgWYHsc7spRv 9HzXjS67MdntuKmcxS1myg2gEyAPLCUcyAzsf3JUdlNljETZ9FtQBsH85Fnl/p6W +0bUbcxdrYt6IzijVDxqU5TcwJy9hlT5QCd3PArXzJcyP4rjw3GoSxXwhYBCQHAn j0PRsTfa1MShd2myFxBjOv0fdlGXOJxRJ+G7B9WldYM6rz8yckM3lfo29PPZrDz9 iUNZ2ZiDcZxDp5RNeAelqFezWxHsJsuEcJ2BenJY5BDlRI0Bbp8RtTuCI2Dmurli rAPoiQW+Iechu3uEPYX13Q2V/X8o4vp6vHV7H/M6TJ5AlBlY1EaiwGaCcR3UkYw1 /NXtLqMLNOxq+erptVsat3EqQEshJ3a+bowHk5W2eZRmRvqRf5sup7axcESIiQbG v2V7u14d =ACd3 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----