このトレーダーは休暇中であるか、利用可能な モネロ がありません。後でもう一度確認するか、他のオファーを探してください。

現金預金: Credit Unions – Why wait on mail? Get XMR today. 5,000+ Branch を使用して 米ドル (USD) でモネロ を購入する



0.01 USD


見た 6 か月前



1000.00 - 20000.00 USD



Please read the full terms below before opening a trade!

Due to fraud, I may request ID, phone, video conference, additional photos, or other verifying information from you at any point during the trade. If that is a problem, you will need to find another seller.

Do not initiate a trade unless you are ready to complete a cash deposit at a credit union with "shared branching" and send me the receipt within an hour. If you take more than an hour, I reserve the right to have you restart the trade at current rates, prior to releasing the coin to you.

To find a credit union that has shared branching, please use this locator: https://co-opcreditunions.org/locator/

DEPOSIT INFO: Please initiate a trade and I will provide you with account information for the deposit once you have satisfied my verification requirements.

IMPORTANT FOR QUICK RELEASE: Do NOT deposit anything besides cash! Always use a unique deposit amount when you open a trade. For example, instead of $500, make it $502 or something. This makes it easier to find your transaction and quickly release the Monero.

AT THE TELLER: You will need to deposit with a human teller. Find out the name of the teller; you will need to write that on the receipt. Get a receipt!

AFTERWARDS: Write across the receipt with a pen: "FOR MONERO PURCHASE FROM FTL_IAN ON LOCALMONERO.CO, NO REFUNDS." Also, if it's not already printed on there, write the name of the teller and branch location - street, city, state!

Take a clear photo of the entire receipt showing all four corners (scans are not acceptable) and send it to me for verification of the deposit. DO NOT throw away the receipt in case I need to ask you to re-photograph it. Depending on my trading history with you, I may ask you write more and take more photos of the receipt and/or the receipt with you in it.

Do not mark complete until you have completed uploading all required photos. If you mark the trade complete before you’re done uploading the receipt photos, I reserve the right to have you restart the trade before releasing the coin to you.



  • 広告を読み、規約を確認する。
  • 現金で取引をする場合は、待ち合わせ場所と連絡時間を提案してください。
  • 不正行為には気をつけて!プロフィールのフィードバックを確認し、最近作成したアカウントには特に注意してください。
  • 四捨五入や価格の変動により、最終的な モネロ の金額が変わる可能性があるあらかじめご了承ください。 モネロ の金額は、入力した取引通貨の金額に基づいて計算されます。


お探しの取引は見つかりませんでしたか? LocalMonero リストには、これに類似した モネロ の取引情報がもっとあります。

USD の Monero を購入

アメリカ合衆国 で Monero を購入する

現金預金 で Monero を購入

現金預金 で アメリカ合衆国 の Monero を購入