Sell Monero using Paypal: PayPal with US Dollar (USD)

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121.06 USD


Seen 5 months ago

Payment method:

NOTE: This payment method is high-risk, since it is reversible and for that reason often used by scammers.
What should I know about high-risk payment methods?

Trade limits:

10.00 - 12.32 USD

Payment window:

15 minutes

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Terms of trade with Daviblanco19

⭐English/Spanish and other languages supported by Google Translate

⭐English If my username is not green (I'm absent) you can open exchange and the system will let me know, I'll be here with you in a few seconds.

⚠️If you are not sure how PayPal really works with the retention system, do not open an exchange first and write to my telegram to clarify your doubts.

-Provide your PayPal email and I will send you the same amount that you opened exchange for, no more.

-Funds are transferred from the PayPal account balance, NO TDC.

-Payment for goods or services, not friends and family.

-I am not responsible if you give me a wrong PayPal email to send you the funds.

-I am not responsible if PayPal blocks your account or freezes your funds, nor if you have 21 days, 48 hours or 24 hours of PayPal retention. You must make the release as soon as you make the payment and send the proof of payment.

-I will not accept any refund once the payment is made (Certain conditions apply).

-You can send me an invoice and I will pay you.

-I send exactly the same value for which you open an exchange, no more.

-I will not be responsible if you have a 21 day, 48 hour or 24 hour hold from PayPal.

-You must make the release as soon as you make the payment and send the proof of payment.

No unauthorized claims or any revocation! I am an honest trader.



Si mi usuario no esta en verde (estoy ausente) puedes abrir intercambio y el sistema me avisará, en breves segundos estaré acá contigo.

⚠️Si no estás seguro de cómo funciona realmente PayPal con el sistema de retenciones, no abras primero un intercambio y escribeme a mi telegram para aclarar tus dudas.

-Proporciona tu correo electrónico de PayPal y te enviaré el mismo monto por el que abriste intercambio, no más.

-Los fondos son transferidos del saldo de PayPal en cuenta, NO TDC.

-Pago por bienes o servicios, no amigos y familiares.

-No soy responsable si me das un correo electrónico incorrecto de PayPal para enviarte los fondos.

-No soy responsable si PayPal bloquea tu cuenta o congela tus fondos, tampoco si tienes 21 días, 48 horas o 24 horas de retención de PayPal. Deberás realizar la liberación tan pronto realice el pago y envíe el comprobante de pago.

-No aceptaré ningún reembolso una vez realizado el pago (Ciertas condiciones aplican).

-Puedes enviarme una factura y yo pagártela.

-Envío exactamente el mismo valor por el que abras intercambio, no más.

-No seré responsable si tienes 21 días, 48 horas o 24 horas de retención de PayPal.

-Debes realizar la liberación tan pronto realice el pago y envíe el comprobante de pago.

No hay reclamaciones no autorizadas o cualquier revocación! Soy un comerciante honesto.


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  • Read the ad, and check the terms.
  • Propose a meeting place and contact time, if physical cash is traded.
  • Watch for fraudsters! Check the profile feedback, and take extra caution with recently created accounts.
  • Note that rounding and price fluctuations might change the final Monero amount. The Monero amount is calculated based on the trade currency amount you've entered.

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