
Nakita -3 m


Na-update isang beses sa isang oras



Mga kasosyo sa kalakalan:


Marka ng feedback:


Nakagawa na ng account:

-6 y

Karaniwang oras ng pagtatapos ng kalakalan:

3 araw

Hindi ka pa nakipagkalakalan sa user na ito

Personal na pagpapakilala:

If you want more than currently available, just ask. I'll be happy to oblige.

If you want to get ahold of me directly and privately anytime, my telegram is @KapnKrump, and discord username is kapn.krump - I'd be happy to discuss anything you may need!

Keep in mind that all packages are opened while being recorded. This is to prevent both scamming and any fraudulent activity. The videos are immediately deleted as soon as I am able to verify payment is complete.


  • Perfect. Trustworthy trader.

  • This was my first experience, and as long as kapnkrump has coin available I would not go to anyone else even for a better price. The level of service, speed, communication, and price I would all rate 10/10!!!!

Tumingin ng higit pang feedback sa KapnKrump