Este comerciante está de vacaciones o sin disponibilidad de Monero. Por favor, pruebe más tarde o busque otras ofertas.

Comprar Monero usando Efectivo por correo postal: Trusted 5% USPS To Vegas con dólar estadounidense (USD)


129.69 USD


Visto hace 3 meses

Límites de transacción:

2000.00 - 10000.00 USD


Para usuarios confiables solo por opticbit

¿Cuánto desea comprar?

Por favor tenga en cuenta, que la actual cantidad de XMR de la operación puede diferir ligeramente de la cantidad mostrada actualmente debido a las fluctuaciones del precio y del tipo de cambio.

Las tasas de transacción de la red asociadas a la liquidación de la operación se deducirán del importe de la misma, lo que significa que recibirá una cantidad ligeramente inferior a la indicada.

  • Tiene que hacer un trato de al menos 2000.00 USD con este anuncio.
  • Este comerciante exige al menos 95% puntos de confianza para comerciar.

Términos de intercambio con opticbit

Normally 5%.

Trusted Ad.

You got access to this offer by Using Good Packaging Express shipping Sending bills mostly larger than $20s Dropping off within a reasonable time from starting the trade (48hr max). (Over 48hrs I choose price lock/float on arrival) Don't lose it.

Please avoid using $100s from 1996 and older. But especially 1996. (1993 is better than 96)

Complete a Trade On Public ad if we have not used this method before. Same terms apply.

Adjusted for supply/demand. It tends to be adjusted less than the public offer, but should always be lower.

Trying to maintain ~$10k on here

If its low on XMR, you can start a trade on agoradesk (your localmonero account is same there) for BTC and mention you wanted XMR within the first hour. You can pack the cash up, and send it. I may not be able to refill within an hour, but can before opening your package, then let you know it's ready. Then you can open XMR trade and close BTC. So you have escrow and can get it shipped sooner.

No Brokering No 3rd Parties

Majority of bills should be 100s

I'm mostly mobile,
It could take a few minutes
to get a trade notification,
then login, and respond.

Electronic Trades ~6am-11pm
Bank and Gift Cards 9a-5p
In person trades 9a-5p
with 30min notice
In person after hrs
available with notice before 5pm
Pacific Time (GMT-8)

Condensed Trusted General Info. All general terms in profile/public offers still apply.

Please use the public version of a payment method before using the trusted version. Example trade BTC-XMR is how you got trusted offers.
use the public cash by mail offer before you use the trusted one.

Pacific Time (GMT-8)
Available M-F 8a-6p
Extended hrs 6a-11p.

10K is in a wallet i have keys to as priority for direct trades,
and to refill the escrow wallet.

$10,000 USD Fiat/person/day max.
Metal/Crypto limited on availability.

NO third parties, No Brokering.

Be ready to pay. don't reserve coins longer than needed.

Request Price Float/Lock change in 1st HR.

Trusted % is adjusted less often, and is used to balance my supply/demand.

Impersonators On Multiple Platforms.
Verify a Link in BOTH directions.


Verified Social Media/Reputation:

Email: Phone: 702-714-0586 Public Dumb Phone: I rarely answer
updated in my profile sometimes monthly.


Reportar este anuncio abriendo un ticket
Este comercio está protegido por una fianza de arbitraje


  • Lea el anuncio, y revise los términos.
  • Proponga un lugar y momento de encuentro, si se comercia con dinero físico.
  • ¡Cuidado con los estafadores! Revise el feedback del perfil, y tome precauciones extras con cuentas recién creadas.
  • Tenga en cuenta que el redondeo y las fluctuaciones de precio pueden cambiar la cantidad final de Monero. La cantidad de Monero se calcula en función de la cantidad de moneda comercial que ha ingresado.

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